Ask the questions...

How far in advance should we book a Celebrant?
It is recommended to book your Celebrant as soon as you have a date and venue confirmed.
The good ones always book up super-fast!

What are the legal requirements?
In Australia, couples must be over 18, both consenting to the marriage and have completed
a Notice Of Intended Marriage (NOIM) lodged with their Celebrant no less than 30 days prior or 18 months out from the wedding. Don't worry; I will guide you through the legal process
and make sure everything is in order.

What identifying documents do I need to produce?
Two forms of identification are required, which can be made up of either a valid passport,
driver's license, or birth certificate/extract.

Who can our witnesses be?
Legally, your witnesses need to be over the age of 18 and able to understand English.
So, it’s up to you who you choose, but I have a beautiful way of acknowledging these special
people, so be sure to ask me when booking.

When and where can we get married?
Marriage in Australia can occur at any time and any day, but the marriage must be
registered in the state it was solemnized.
So, you can choose a time and place that is meaningful to you. As a Port Douglas local I
have some great recommendations of little ceremony spot gems around Port Douglas, Ellis
Beach and Palm Cove that I can recommend.

Do we need a Plan B wet weather option?
YES, and YES! This is Port Douglas, Far North Queensland, and the weather can sometimes be unpredictable. I encourage you to have an alternative plan.